Dog Trainer Bible

eBooks collection covers everything about choosing, taking care of, maintaining, and training your dog

Get Rid of Bad Habits and Stop Obedience Problems In Their Tracks.
Easy, Fast and Effective Training Techniques will Completely Transform Your Dog's Behavior

Dog Training Bible is the Ultimate eBook collection with practical examples. It is a guide for those who plan to get a dog and for those who want to improve the dog’s bad habits and obedience problems. It is for anyone who wants to keep their dogs happy and healthy.

Benefits for Agile and Scrum Masterclass Students

Benefits for Dog Trainer Bible Readers:

  1. Learn how to choose a dog or how to adopt a dog.
  2. Things you need to consider before you get a dog.
  3. Get all guidance you need to be successful at taking care of your dog.
  4. Homemade dog food recipes and dog food nutrition.
  5. Offer good care to your dog
  6. Provide solutions for unresolved problems.
  7. Train yourself on how to instantly fix behavior problems and bad habits.
  8. Use the easiest and most effective ways to train your dog.
  9. Teach your dog tricks and other enjoyable commands.
  10. Start seeing results immediately…
Benefits for companies from Agile and Scrum Masterclass

Consequences if you don’t use Dog Trainer Bible:

  1. What commitment is getting a dog?
  2. Things consider before adopting a dog.
  3. Unsocialized dogs.
  4. Dealing with other people and their dogs.
  5. Financial expenses.
  6. The cost of walks, grooming, boarding, and vet visits.
  7. Dog Separation anxiety.
  8. Parasites and vaccinations.
  9. Bad Habits of dogs.
  10. Dog obedience problems.

Exactly What You're Getting in this 37 eBooks collection:

Dog Trainer Bible - Section 1

Section 1: How to Choose A Dog?

If you are thinking about getting a dog it’s important to remember that a dog is a living, breathing animal.

Yes, they are cuddly and cute, especially when they are young. But they also take work! It’s especially important to keep this in mind with a rescue dog.

Most rescue dogs have already been discarded by someone once, for some reason. Maybe the dog’s first owner found they didn’t have time for the dog?

Or the dog was too much trouble? If you plan to get a rescue dog, it’s particularly important that you understand that you are taking on a big responsibility. Rescue dogs often require some extra time and attention. The last thing you want to do is send the dog back to the shelter again.

When you are planning to adopt a dog, there are some very important points to keep in mind to make sure that you are delighted with your new dog. They can mean the difference between regretting your decision and having a wonderful new friend whom you will enjoy and cherish.

Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Choosing The Right Dog For Your Family!

Is the fact that you would like to add a great dog to your family but just don’t know how making your life difficult… maybe even miserable?

Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t — or can’t — do anything to find out everything you need to know to finally be a success at choosing the right doggie!

So today, we’re going to help you GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily pick the right dog for your family… for GOOD!

With this product, and its great information on choosing the best dog as a new family member it will walk you, step by step, through the exact process we developed to help people get all the info they need to be a success.

In This eBook, You Will Learn:

  • Choosing A Dog Basics
  • Utilize Your Vets Knowledge
  • Think About Your Daily Routine
  • Think About Your Surroundings
  • Decide The Dogs Purpose
  • And so much more!

Section 2: Dog Basics for Newbies

Do you have a dog, or looking to get yourself one? Know the facts! Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about health and health insurance, grooming and clipping, vaccinating, spaying and neutering, fleas and other parasites, dental care, feeding and vitamins, happy dog and so much more!

Dogs are considered man’s best friend. But did you know that having a dog gives you several health benefits?

In studies done by medical professionals, dog owners benefit from their pet’s presence in several ways. Having a dog is a great investment, for the joy that you get from owning one and the health benefits that you can receive.

With this ebook you will learn about:

  1. What People Need to Know About Dog Behavior
  2. Dogs During Labor
  3. When Your Best Friend Gets Lost – Tips In Finding Your Dog
  4. The Naming Game
  5. Preventing your dog from catching diseases
  6. Tips for buying dog Food
  7. Essential care tips for your dog
  8. 5 Tips to get your dog ready for dog shows
  9. Adopting a dog – Puppy Or Adult?
Dog Trainer Bible - Section 2
Dog Trainer Bible - Section 3

Section 3: DOG CARE

Many dog owners are unaware that, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, close to half the dogs in the USA are considered overweight and 6.7 million of those dogs are designated as clinically obese. And research has shown that overweight dogs can often die up to two years earlier than normal because of that excess weight.

In this eBook, we will cover some of the most common care factors.

We want to teach you the proper care techniques for taking care of your pet dog with our valuable eBook The Ultimate Dog Care Kit. It will provide you with everything you need to know to treat your dog in a way that will enable him or her to live a long life with you.

You would like to take better care of your dog but just don’t know how to make your life difficult.

First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but not knowing how to get started with caring for your dog is far more common than you’d think.

Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t — or can’t — do anything to find out everything you need to know to finally be a success!

So today — in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact — we’re going to help you GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily get your dog care under control… for GOOD!

This powerful tool will provide you with everything you need to know to be a success and achieve your goal of dog care to a successful place.

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  1. Dog Care Basics
  2. What Items Do You Need For Your Dog?
  3. The Vet Is Your Friend
  4. Caring For An Elderly Dog
  5. Caring For A Disabled Dog
  6. And so much more!

Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be Success At taking Care Of Your Dog!

For some owners, having a dog as a pet is similar to having a child although physically there is really no comparison, emotionally, this really is the case, as dogs are feeling creatures and thus deserve care and love too.

Thus, in the quest to be a good and caring owner, the owner should be able to perform some very basic actions that showcase this caring attitude, which will be well received and enjoyed by the pet.

Inside this eBook, you are about to learn the following information:

  1. Dog Care Basics
  2. What Items Do You Need For Your Dog?
  3. The Vet Is Your Friend
  4. Caring For An Elderly Dog
  5. Caring For A Disabled Dog
  6. Caring For Small Dogs
  7. Caring For Big Dogs
  8. The Dangers Of Not Caring For Your Best Friend

Section 4: DOG FOOD

How much should I feed my dog? Does the food I’m providing meet my dog’s nutritional needs? As our knowledge of the relationship between diet and health continues to advance and as the range of foods available for dogs continues to expand, it’s more important than ever to base feeding choices on good information.

The information in this pamphlet is based on Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats, a technical report issued by the National Research Council as part of its Animal Nutrition Series. The Food and Drug Administration relies on information in the report to regulate and ensure the safety of pet foods.

Nothings greatly affects your dog’s well-being like the diet you he feeds on, so, what makes diet so special?

There is no doubt that you want to keep your dog in the best of health. Many ways exist for you to achieve that goal and providing a nutritious and well-balanced diet is just one of them, doing this will ensure that your pet’s longevity and good health are guaranteed.

Let’s discover more.

If you’re looking for recipes your dog will love that are super healthy and nutrient-rich you’ve come to the right place.

As you know, there’s no shortage of dog food recipes.

We looked through literally hundreds of recipes and separated the wheat from the chaff to give you the absolute cream of the crop in one article.

Whether you’re a new pet parent of a rambunctious puppy paving the way for a healthy future or have a senior dog with special needs, these recipes are nutritious, wholesome and dogs love them.

Choosing the right kind of dog food you provide is probably the most critical decision you’ll ever make for your dog- puppy or senior.

Dog food nutrition without delay impacts every facet of your dog’s life.

Aspects such as how pups grow, their behavior practices, health, overall well-being, and physical appearance are all tightly linked to the nutrition dog owners provide.

Needless to say, this is an enormous  responsibility.

A nutritious well-balanced dog food diet plan encourages:

  • Healthy skin and coat
  • Strong muscles and well-developed bones
  • Bright, clear eyes
  • More solid stool
  • Good dental health
  • Less digestive upsets
  • Burst of energy
  • Few (if any) behavior problems
  • Great dog lifestyle
  • Long life

Pretty much everything, right?

It is a well-known fact that homemade food is always a healthier option for pets when compared to market-packed food.

The increasing hazards to the health of the pets have made pet owners stick to the containment of commercial pet food.

The basic fundamentals of health for human beings are applicable for pets also.

Natural homemade food has always been the best option for both human beings and pets as well. There are many benefits
of feeding your pet homemade food.

The most obvious of them is the usage of natural ingredients that assures nutrition and safety, which also becomes an enjoyable experience for the pet owners to cook for their pet.

While many dog owners want what’s best for their dogs, sometimes little thought is given to what we feed them.

If we were to believe the TV and magazine advertisements, all we have to do is pour some kibble that we buy at the supermarket in the bowl and make sure they have lots of freshwater.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Problems like itching, scratching, hotspots, hair loss, bad breath, dandruff, and paw licking are often clear signs that a lack of proper nutrition is taking its toll on your canine friend.

The following report will explain why the commercial dog food we buy is often woefully inadequate to serve the nutritional needs of your dog.

Dog Trainer Bible - Section 4
Dog Trainer Bible - Section 5

Section 5: DOG HEALTH

Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about dog food, don’t go cheap, food requirements, basic dog facts every dog lover should know, caring for dogs that are hypoallergenic for humans, caring for your soft coated wheaten terrier pet dog, crate training your golden, even your dog should maintain a healthy weight, feeding your golden retriever, grooming and brushing tips for dogs that are hypoallergenic and so much more!

When you bring a dog into your family, you make a commitment to his health. This guide can keep your pooch healthy through every stage of his life.

A dog can be a wonderful addition to any home, but whether you’re an experienced pet parent or a first-time adopter, it’s important to keep your canine companion’s health and happiness a top priority. Below are some useful tips for all dog parents.

In addition to feeding and exercising your dog, other aspects of general care are needed to keep your dog healthy throughout its life. These include routine veterinary care for vaccinations, parasite control, and dental care; grooming; and protection from household hazards.

You are responsible for the health and happiness of your dog. Keeping your furry friend in good shape will involve regular vet visits to help prevent illnesses and diagnose any problems early when they are generally easiest to treat.

Dogs are an integral part of human society on every inhabited continent on Earth. They drive livestock and protect it; police property; scent and detect illicit substances; haul sleds; retrieve game; guide the blind; search for and rescue the lost and injured; comfort the lonely; hear for the deaf, or simply add a sparkling natural reality to the lives of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world.

As we move from an agrarian to urban culture, dogs are in many ways one of our last and most important links with the natural world. We get pleasure from caring for our gardens and for our pets.

This e-book on “Perfect handbook for imperfect dog owners” emphasizes the pet owner to offer good care to his or her pet and also gives solutions for unresolved problems.

Most of us who nurture family pets, know exactly how they behave when they try to express their emotions. They may not always howl or growl to get things done, but body language and gestures are more than enough to give an idea of their needs.

However, we need to tune in our minds to differentiate between positive and negative emotional expressions. For that, let us list some common emotions seen in pets and their expressions.

Key features of a happy dog are:

  • Ears perked up and forward.
  • Eyes wide open.
  • Mouth relaxed and slightly opened and teeth covered.
  • Body and tail relaxed A happy dog does not attempt to look one in the eye and will probably go through the typical sniffing pattern. It is advisable to offer the dog the back of one’s wrist to smell before attempting to pet it.


Training basics require the owner or potential owner to understand the pet in order to come up with suitable solutions that will help create a happy atmosphere for both the pet and those around.

Getting a new puppy or adult dog is always an exciting time for the entire family.

There is a good reason why dogs are known as man’s best friend, and a loyal dog is more than just a pet as they become a beloved member of the family.

In order to achieve that level of love and companionship, however, it is important to start you need puppy or adult dog off on the right foot. A solid grounding in obedience and problem behavior avoidance is essential to making your dog, and you, happier and healthier.

“How does your dog sit when you tell him to and mine doesn’t?”, “How can your dog heel to you like that?”, “Wow! He comes when you tell him to” – Sounds familiar? If it does, you need to invest some time into a little bit of basic dog training.

The problem with puppies that are not trained is that they grow into untrained dogs. An untrained dog can be a nuisance.

All of that cute little yipping can quickly become loud barking that keeps you and your neighbors up for nights on end.

The little teeth marks in your shoes can turn into destroyed furniture and a destroyed home before you know it.

Likewise, those cute little puppy poops are not so cute when the dog is 75 pounds and has the excrement to match.

Untrained dogs can also be very dangerous. All dogs can bite. It is in their nature to defend with everything they have, including their teeth. You have to teach your dog not to use their teeth so that no one winds up hurt, at least not when they are playing with them.

While we all expect our dog to protect us in a worst-case scenario situation, you should train your dog to be non-confrontational.

Dogs that pose a danger to the community are at risk of being put down.

One of the main areas that are cause for concern and stress is toilet training the pet. Some pets are easier to train in this area than others. There are ways to explore when it comes to toilet training a dog and with a little research and a lot of patience, it is possible to find the best way that will suit both the dog and the owner well.

Another area that is usually a cause for concern is how the dog behaves in any given environment. Some breeds adapt well to changes in their surroundings, such as noise levels, weather conditions, more people present, and anything else that alters the usual immediate environment of the animal while others can be greatly disturbed.

If you own a dog, you will have to do more than just feed him and give him toys to play with. Just about every dog, no matter what breed, will have some bad habits and behaviors that you will need to break.

There are different ways to deal with each of the unacceptable behaviors from your dog. Whatever you do, make sure that it is something that will be effective in order for your dog to change his ways.

Some behavioral problems stem from the genetics of the breed of your dog.

You must teach your dog from the beginning what is acceptable or not. Leaving it to a later stage will be harder for you and harder for him to learn as he will be much more set in his ways.

Your dog is a member of your family and your best friend so having an obedient and well-behaved pet is crucial.

Here are some things that you will read about in this eBook:

  1. How to stop your dog from biting?
  2. How to stop them from howling and barking and what could happen if you don‘t?
  3. How to stop them from being aggressive?

Although dogs shouldn’t be attributed with having human characteristics, they are intelligent enough to be able to understand the concept of, and execute, certain actions that their owners require of them – if these actions are asked in a way that dogs find rewarding.

So, with this rule in mind, owners have to be clever as well and find a way of training their dog that actually works quickly and efficiently.

This eBook explains how to achieve this ideal – how to speak “dog” so that you’re able to communicate effectively with your four-legged friend.

As with any training, the best time to start is as soon as you get your new pet. The fundamentals for successful housetraining are:

  1. Crate training is very important so it should be mastered.
  2. A schedule is required for feeding and exercising.
  3. Be vigilant and patient throughout the training period.

For starters, you can’t expect your dog to be fully housetrained and fully dependable before he’s six months old. A dog can be housetrained between one to six weeks. A great deal is determined by your puppy’s size and breed and for the most part the efforts you put into housetraining him.

There’s also the reality that your puppy won’t have sufficient bladder and bowel controls before he’s 16 weeks of age. Quite simply, he’s unable to “hold it” for extended periods so you have to be extra vigilant in that period. But that doesn’t indicate that you can’t start housetraining her as soon as he put paws inside your home. It simply means that you need to expect your pup to have a handful of accidents.

But don’t fret; this eBook features everything you’ll need to deal with these little mishaps, from the best way to react to tips on how to clean up.

The Great Crate Debate: Why Your Dog Absolutely MUST Have A Crate:

  1. Who’s The Boss?
  2. Going Crate Shopping
  3. Plastic Carriers, The Most Popular
  4. Wire Carriers
  5. How To Handle Crate-Haters?

First thing’s first: despite the title of this report, there is no such thing as a perfect pooch (just as there is no such thing as a perfect human). The closest you can come to picking the perfect pooch is to pick one that’s best for you and your family.

It is true that dogs of a certain breed may share some behavioral characteristics (e.g., most Labrador Retrievers enjoy swimming and are crazy about fetching a ball). There are exceptions to every rule, but knowing behavioral (as well as physical) characteristics will help you to decide on a dog that will likely be a good fit for you and your lifestyle. We’ll cover that later in this eBook.

If you own a dog, you will have to do more than just feed him and give him toys to play with. Just about every dog, no matter what breed, will have some bad habits and behaviors that you will need to break.

There are different ways to deal with each of the unacceptable behaviors from your dog. Whatever you do, make sure that it is something that will be effective in order for your dog to change his ways. Some behavioral problems stem from the genetics of the breed of your dog.
You must teach your dog from the beginning what is acceptable or not. Leaving it to a later stage will be harder for you and harder for him to learn as he will be much more set in his ways.
Your dog is a member of your family and your best friend so having an obedient and well-behaved pet is crucial.

Here are some things that you will read about in this guide:

  • How to stop your dog from biting?
  • How to stop them from howling and barking and what could happen if you don‘t?
  • How to stop them from being aggressive?

Are you ready to start training your dog or puppy? Proper training and socialization are among your dog’s basic needs. It’s important to start training your dog as soon as possible.

At first, dog training can seem pretty overwhelming, especially if this is your first dog. The truth is that training your dog is a very big project. If you take it step-by-step, you will find the task to be far less daunting. Here is some information to help get you started:

Professional dog trainers everywhere tell their students to reward their dogs when they do something right. This “positive training” method is in contrast to training that centers on punishment. Trainers recommend that owners praise and reward their dogs with treats and affection for good behavior instead of just scolding them for bad behavior.

Here are more dog training tips.

One of the main areas that are cause for concern and stress is toilet training the pet. Some pets are easier to train in this area than others. There are ways to explore when it comes to toilet training a dog and with a little research and a lot of patience, it is possible to find the best way that will suit both the dog and the owner well.

Another area that is usually a cause for concern is how the dog behaves in any given environment. Some breeds adapt well to changes in their surroundings, such as noise levels, weather conditions, more people present, and anything else that alters the usual immediate environment of the animal while others can be greatly disturbed.

Training the dog to refrain from destroying anything and everything around is also another area that needs consideration. A lot of pet owners often complain about their belongings being damaged by their pets and they feel powerless in addressing this problem. Here to with some research into the matter, the owner should be able to come up with solutions in dealing with this problem in a rational and non-threatening manner.

Training a pet to accept a new addition to the family is also equally important, especially when there is an addition of a baby.

Discover Proven Ways And Methods You Can Use To Get Them To Change!

There have been times when you as a dog owner become increasingly frustrated. Your dog doesn’t want to obey your commands and does as you say. Even with trying to coax your canine, sometimes it still does not work.

All dogs have behavioral problems. It does not matter what breed you own, you can run into a roadblock with trying to get them to stop their bad behavior. There are just some times where you have to put your foot down and roll with the punches. Your dog will either do what you say or you’ll ship him out. Of course, if you are a dog lover, you are not looking to do the latter.

You need to communicate to your dog what behavior is acceptable and what behavior is off-limits. They need to know where you stand in everything. You have to be consistent and make sure that they know you mean business.

In this eBook, you will discover:

  • The importance of getting rid of your dog’s bad behaviors,
  • Why biting should be stopped when your dog is still a puppy?
  • How howling, whining and barking can be nerve-wracking, and what you can do about it?
  • What you can do about your dog’s chewing problems?
  • Why does your dog jumping on other people can pose a problem and what you can do about it?
  • And much much more…

Provision of educating- entertaining training tips that will help reduce the burden of a dog bite, if not totally eliminate, the most aggressive behavior of dogs- a big threat to our health, which our kids are the most affected victims.

If you buy this book you don’t expect to be presented with statistics of dog biting again. You can find lots of information about dog bite statistics in news.

What we are after here are ways to avoid the problem. How we can discover the reasons, warning signs, ways to prevent, and reinforcement training that can help you turn your dog into the better friend he is supposed to be. That is exactly what you will get in this book.

How To Stop A Dog Barking! Methods to Stop Your Dog’s Excessive Barking!

It’s completely natural for dogs to bark, and it’s one of their most essential forms of communication after energy and body language.

Dogs will bark as a warning, to guard their pack and territory. They’ll also bark to express excitement.

Those forms of barking are hardly ever a nuisance and don’t last for very long. That’s the reason why nuisance barking generally has the same cause and the same solution.

When a dog barks too much, it’s almost always telling you that he’s bored and is searching for stimulation or a challenge.

Unavoidably, excessive barking signifies there’s a problem with the human, and not the dog; there’s something not balanced in the pack, so the dog’s needs are not being satisfied.

The barking is the sole method the dog has to inform you something is wrong. This eBook will try to help you, dog owners, to figure out why your dog is barking excessively and what you can do to handle the situation.

Dog Trainer Bible - Section 6

What You Receive When You Enroll Now:

Dog Trainer Bible with EXPERT ADVICE:

✔️ Easy to follow 37 eBooks in PDF format, that walks you through every step of your dog journey, from A to Z ($489 value)

✔️ Simple strategies not just in theory but in practice as well ($157 value) 

✔️ BONUS eBooks with even more juicy goodies, eBooks, how-to guides ($89 value)

✔️ Learn and Work at Your Own Pace with this Program


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Dog Trainer Bible

This is dramatically different from anything you've ever seen. This is because it's more of a "field guide" for massive success than a traditional "online course".

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Read these eBooks. Put all these methods to work. You will transform your disobedient dog into a responsive, well-behaved, and happy companion.
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Dog Trainer Bible

Who are the target students?

  1. This course is appropriate both for complete beginners and those with more dog behavior knowledge.
  2. Dog lovers, owners, and enthusiasts who want to learn more about how dogs think feel, and learn, who want to dramatically enhance their relationship with their dog.
  3. Dog owners that are sick of chasing their dog around the house, or being yanked around on a leash.
  4. Dog Professionals. Dog Workers. Animals Passionates. Vets.
  5. Animal Communicators.
  6. Students Of Every Age that want to create a calm, confident dog.
  7. Dog Trainer Bible is suitable for dog trainers, veterinarians, other pet professionals as well as anyone else interested in simple and effective training methods for improving dog behavior.

Dog Trainer Bible Requirements:

  1. No prior dog training experience is required.
  2. A strong desire to learn, have fun, and create an amazing relationship with your dog.
  3. You must be willing to take action on the things you learn in this program.
  4. All necessary information and resources will be included for you 100% free as part of this Dog Trainer Bible.

I want to help you to help your dog. I want to make it a fun, easy journey with your dog. I am willing to help you in any way possible.​

Give your dog the training he so desperately needs today and enjoy learning top techniques that just work. You can start downloading everything right away!!!

Dog Trainer Bible

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